13 min readApr 30, 2017

1/ This quote in the video below (WATCH it before reading on) of #Reagan’s needs repeating and emphasis and much more conversation than it has gotten. When the Almighty lifted Noah’s Ark…

2/…from THIS continent and took it to the area now known as Turkey, the Lord was setting America aside for a great latter day purpose.

3/ Not too many generations after the Flood Panjea (the super continent which will again be restored at Christ’s coming) was separated.

4/ .How interesting that didn’t happen before the flood (made the trip for Noah a lot shorter) or thousands of years later such as around…

5/ …the birth of Christ or even after) It by design allowed the Lord to severely limit the migration to the Americas.

6/ As a Mormon I believe the Garden Of Eden was in Missouri and that the “New Jerusalem” John the Revelator speaks of will be built

7/ in Independence Missouri-the greatest, freest and most powerful country ever assembled, even if it goes through galactic changes

8/ and it will! I also believe the Lord brought a group called the Jaredites after the confounding of the languages at the Tower

9/ of Babel and later a group of Israelites eventually called the Nephites, from Judea around the year 590 BC, as well as other groups. I truly would expect nothing less…

10/ …from the God of glory in His infinite foreknowledge, designs, plans and determination. He will NOT bow to man nor do things man’s…

11/ …way. Many ages have seen great wickedness and apostasy. Adam’s saw it, Enochs and Noah’s-the Flood. God had chosen people way…

12/ …before the Israelites. Another of these apostasies was with the death of Christ (the literal death of the only Begotten of the Father who…

13/ …acted as Creator of this sphere under His Father’s direction and who was rejected by His own (The Chosen People-Judah) who thought they had what they…

14/ …needed and it certainly was not Jesus Christ, His apostles. Only John remained alive (as the Lord had promised) as the docrtines were corrupted and the priesthood taken. It was an apostasy of apostasies. Christ Himself (the greatest, purest, most powerful and…

15/ …humble Being) was murdered in cold blood, by those who thought they had enough books, prophets and priesthood. Almost each and every single…

16/ …one of His apostles but John the Beloved (in Mormonism we know this to be John the Revelator and John the Apostle) were martyred,…

17/ …Peter upside down not feeling worthy enough to be crucified in the same manner as His Master and Lord, whom He had known in life…

18/ …up to the end and whose resurrection He was an eyewitness of. The Bible takes a turn it never had. Books stopped being added to it…

19/ …-the collection then known as the Septuagint (which was a collection of many books and writings of prophets down through the ages) and the flooating books of the New Testamnet, no other books were produced (not counting the Apocrypha) ever after as they had been since the beginning of time, after this most unusual apostasy. There are many reasons why like Christ the apostles had to give…

20/ …their lives (first and foremost as a witness to His life, Atonement and Resurrection) but unlike how much of “fallen” man has…

21/ …interpreted this, this was another apostasy on an epic scale, when considering His death (most planned and of eternally supreme importance, above all other facets of God’s plan) and the death of His apostles, whom He gave all the Priesthood keys of the Kingdom. The priesthood authority was gone! Doctrines were twisted and even lost.

22/ Things not even in the New Testament crept into the early and later fragmented church. One of the clearest is the Trinity, which…

23/ …later the Council of Nicea (assembled by the emperor Constantine, who later killed much of his family) made as the official…

24/ …doctrine of the Roman Empire.

25/ I don’t think it’s any coincidence not too soon after (and even before that as a twisted Christianity rose the West begin a decline…

26/ particularly in the 3rd century with a long series of strange and evil emperors and curses) that the 2,000 year boom of the Classical..

27/ Age (the mostly Greek and even Roman explosion in secular knowledge), which surely had much to do with the divine plan as it related to the

28/ atmosphere around the time when Jehovah, God of the Old Testament, who acted under the supreme command of Heavenly Father (as always), would be born,

29/ walk the earth and lay the foundation for His kingdom and the salvation of men by carrying out the Infinite Atonement, which would be..

30/ the most important act in all Creation and was of far greater significance (above all other aspects of the plan) and suffering in Gethsemane and Calvary than we know.

31/ One place where He bled at every pore and took upon Satan and his legions and another by being punctured by cowardly human beings…..

32/ Clearly this was a life, from the star at His birth, angels announcing to chosen others (His VIRGIN mom, John The Baptists parents-who was to prepare the way) and many others immediately before and in all of human history,

33/ from the time of Adam, to every detail of His life on down to Gethsemane and Mount Moriah, His resurrection and many angelic visitations….

34/ which was planned down to a tee. As the apostasy deepened Western Civilization came crashing down in a truly breathtaking manner and…

35/ …eventually even Rome itself (The Eternal City) fell to the Visigoths from the north in the year 410. Truly, as the West had…

36/ …carried out the crucifixion, their fate was that of the Jews, who not by chance met a permanent, general….

37/ scattering of their own from the Holy Land, not too long after the prideful rejection of Christ and His apostles. God had used the…

38/ …Romans in many strategic ways, but He wasn’t about to stamp His approval on what rose out of such corruption and evil, so the…

39/ …unusually drastic decline of the Classical Age, the sack of Rome, the Black Plague and the Dark Ages, cannot be overstated to…

40/ …how shockingly extreme the shift and how great the curse was upon the West, where fallen Christianity had taken root and begin to rise at the hands of evil men. A people (that whole region) should have been more blessed with fruits abounding…

41/ …of good character and inspiration from heaven, not the onslaught of bizzare and historic Egypt like curses. Of all the places in the world that should have been blessed it should have been the region in and around Rome and under their control stretching down into Alexandria.

42/…Instead, we see a curse so intense no honest man or women with real faith and intelligence (after being presented the evidence) can deny it, and it wasn’t just some divine thumping to humble. It was a complete series and onslaught of epic destruction lasting centuries and a digression perhaps like we have never known, a collapse of the empire, the loss of the Classical Age progression/advances and secular knowledge, a true, longstanding curse upon all things Roman and FITTINGLY so. The Dark Ages lasted centuries and even…

43/ …when they were over they still persisted in many respects. It was a time unlike any other and the secular knowledge vanished.

44/ It was also a time when we saw the rise of Islam (interesting how Islam kept the Catholic Church from the Holy Land) which I…

45/ personally believe is part of the divine plan. Whether God inspired it and parts of the Koran were twisted or He allowed it at the…

46/ …right time and place is for another conversation) which religion was no doubt a curse (in a real sense) to Christendom…

47/ Every single advancement and Enlightenment that happened thereafter moved people away from the power of the Papacy and the…..

48/ world took leaps and bounds out of that darkest of periods and into the light of progress and eventually landed on Americas….

49/ doorstep and beyond. It is NO coincidence that the United States is as beautiful as it is. With such length of coastlines, even if…

50/ …but as a symbol of it’s place as literally, the choicest land on God’s earth, even more so than the Holy Land. It also sets us…

51/ …aside and gives us so many advantages related to security and protection and in more ways than just war, which, by the way, with…

52/ …all this sin and technology I could see us going down in a war (we’ve been protected long enough for many purposes to be…

53/ …fulfilled) and now need a humbling, which IS coming! So President Ronald Reagan was completely right when he said that he believed…

54/ …God set this land aside for a very special reason, but it’s FAR greater and grander than Reagan knew. Official Mormon doctrine…

55/ …teaches that God Himself raised up the Constitution of The United States, for the rights and protection of all flesh.

56/ That God raised up this government administered by fallen men (which is why He raised up such wise and inspired men to..

57/ place all those checks and balances in place, because God works around the free choice and fallen nature of men) and that as

58/ Washington and others attested, God tipped the Revolutionary battles of the Colonists in their favor and for His eternal purposes.

59/ Enter Jospeh Smith, the American prophet who just happened to be born in 1805 and moved after rare crop failures due to out of…

60/ season weather in Vermont to Palmyra New York where a golden book was buried, written by an ancient civilization of Israelites-the Nephites. Yes, America is a land with a glorious destiny and…

61/ …chosen above all others lands. Ronald Reagan was right! It’s a land that was set aside and to which history was centered on.

62/ Without all the advances and the Reformation, there would be NO United States. The Papacy would have too much power.

63/ All the events (Enlightenment, Renaissance and much more) prepared Europe for the Reformation which prepared the right

64/ make up of people to assemble a land such as this, under the guidance of the Lord, which further signals the cacophony

65/ of history was centered on the eventual creation of the U.S. which purpose was for the Restoration of the ancient gospel covenant, as given to…

66/ …Adam, Enoch, Noah and Abraham (parts of it lost at different times, including when God took Moses and the HIGHER PRIESTHOOD) and…

67/ …on down to Christ who restored parts of it, such as the Melchizdek Priesthood held by prophets and others before Him. Of which I’’ll just say it’s a shame how man has twisted scripture, such as the Book Of Hebrews clear teachings on both priesthoods and the necessity for them in the gospel.

68/ In closing, as further clarification and proof of the apostasy and God’s plan to work around fallen man (as is the wisdom

69/ .. of the Constitution) and God’s plan to completely redo things by going around the corrupt and twisted doctrinal history of…

70/ …Christendom (especially when so many claim to speak for the Lord and have official doctrines that are not true and no priesthood)…

71/ …and restore His church in the New World, in a blessed land, with a most blessed Constitution and the religious freedom to do it…

72/ …where no other place on earth could have given the breathing room for such a kingdom to take strong root and at a time where…

73/ …science and technology would see explosions in America so rapid only the providence of God can explain it (Constitution, The…

74/ …Restoration and miraculous explosions all centered on the Lord’s work) I think of the Trinity. This point I’m about to make sounds…

75/ …minor, but the point it leads to is not, and we should all care on a doctrine this important, because it signals many other…

76/ …things. The word Trinity is not even in the Bible, though the term Godhead which we use is, but far more importantly, the concept…

77/ …of the Trinity is LITERALLY NOWHERE to be found in the New Testament and it couldn’t be more clear. Many Christians have admitted…

78/ …this on various levels. Some just have these sayings that make no sense about the “mystery of the Trinity.” Three gods in one but…

79/ …they aren’t really one and you can’t comprehend God type of talk. So Christ came to earth and got a body and came back to get that…

80/ …body and when He did He told His apostles “for a spirit hath not flesh and bones.” Jesus will always have a glorified body (that’s…

81/ …why we came here to get these and progress) and as attested by John in his gospel and Revelation, there will be a resurrection of…

82/ …the just and the unjust. CLEARLY, such a universal miracle and event that has been planned and known by prophets and God’s people…

83/ …from Adam, is of SUPREME importance. We’re not just coming back to earth to get the physical bodies and then dicth them and…

84/ …neither did Christ. This plan was initiated by GOD THE FATHER! A male. A Being. The Father of us all before this life and the Father…

85/ …of Christ before this life and in the flesh born of a virgin. This is HIS plan! Christ said, “not My will, but Thine be done.”

86/ “I do nothing of Myself, but what I seeth my Father do.” “Our Father who art in heaven, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on…

87/ …earth as it is in heaven.” “Father, that they (speaking of us, His disciples) may be one even as We are One.” Did He mean we would…

88/ …become one entity? Of course He did not and the Bible makes that abundantly clear. He also didn’t mean that they were/are one in…

89/ …that sense and He went out of His way to teach us otherwise and it’s not just in 5 to 10 vague verses. It could not be more clear…

90/ …Christ is not the Father, but acted in the Father’s behalf as Creator and God of the Old Testament. 1rst John, 1rst Hebrews and…

91/ …1rst Colossians make abundantly clear Jesus Christ was and is the Creator of this sphere under the Father directions.

92/ Jesus Christ is not God in the sense of being thee God-God the Father, but He has been given Godhood before this life

93/ and more fully attained after it. He is part of the Godhead and has acted as God and in behalf of God. This isn’t hard stuff to…

94/ …understand-ALL context. Christ is not the Father. He made that abundantly clear, even in the Garden when He cried, “Father, if Thou…

95/ …art willing, remove this cup from me” and later, “Father, it is finished. Into Thy hands I commend my spirit.” We are told that we…

96/ …are created in the image of God. That He is our Father. That He is a being. This plan is His plan. Jesus is part of the Godhead.

97/ The Father is not Jesus nor is He the Holy Ghost. All three are separate and distinct beings- one in purpose, will, love,…

98/ …righteousness, holiness, etc. Christ was born of a virgin of seed from the Father. Now why would God the Father place so much…

99/ …emphasis on a physical body, universal resurrection and even punishment that Satan and the 1/3 Revelations talk of have lost the privilege of getting one if…

100/ …God the Father didn’t have a glorified body of flesh and bone, but even aside from that, the scriptures make it clear Jesus Christ…

101/ …is a different being than His Father. I recall when the Holy Ghost descended as a dove when Christ was baptized and the voice of…

102/ …the Father was heard from heaven saying, “this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The New Testament is so abundant on…

103/ …this it’s puzzling how Christianity could have become so corrupted to twist this. Nevertheless, secular history, long before…

104/ …Catholicism, attests this was indeed twisted as the gnostics and so many related movements swept in, in part creating doctrines to…

105/ …fit the culture of the Jewish and Greek traditions. Christ Himself predicted the apostasy which many have misunderstood, by the…

106/ …default of their traditions and explanations from the clergy and so-called scholars. John, Paul, Jude and others were outlining…

107/ …this and in Revelation John describes the great destruction of the churches throughout many areas. They talk of wolves creeping…

108/ …in and to “not accept in letter as if from us,” as if fraudulent writings were circulating (and do you actually doubt they were?).

109/ They were engaged very early on in what they saw as an existential threat to the very church set up by the Savior Himself, but the…

110/ apostles knew, as did Jesus, the church would fall, as did Christ and one day be resurrected-in America. I know what Reagan believed…

111/ …and that this land was set aside for a great purpose and at it’s core is for the purposes of the Restoration as prophesied by…

112/ …John in Revelation 14:6 right before the “hour of His judgment” (2nd Coming)6 And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,…

113/ …having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and…

114/ …people,

115/ 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven,…

116/ …and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” If Jesus already brought the gospel and John on the island Patmos when he…

117/ …wrote that already had it and it was spreading, what in the world was he talking about? There are many scriptures we could use…

118/ …supporting this, but he was talking about the Restoration of the gospel in the last days, with the priesthood and covenants held…

119/ …by ancients people of promise. For further treatment of this here is a talk by a man whose complete purity, righteousness and…

120/ …conviction, no one of great discernment can question. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2006/04/the-restoration-of-all-things?lang=eng

121/ and another by one of the greatest men I’ve known. https://www.lds.org/ensign/1993/11/from-the-beginning?lang=eng


Written by Aaron

Faith, history, sports, news.

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